50 Best Sadhguru Quotes Thoughts in English
Latest Sadhguru Quotes in English. Read Best Sadhguru Quotes On Success, Sadhguru Quotes On Karma, Sadhguru Quotes For Students, Sadhguru Quotes On Relationship, Sadhguru Quotes On Happiness, Sadhguru Quotes On Peace, Sadhguru Wisdom Quotes, Sadhguru Motivational Quotes, Most Inspirational Quotes By Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev And Share it On Facebook, Instagram And WhatsApp.
#1 - Top 10 Sadhguru Quotes in English
"Money is definitely needed, but how much money do we really need?"
"A possibility, when not harnessed, becomes a problem in your experience."
"Most people in the world are not busy – they are just preoccupied."
"Every thought, every emotion that you create changes the very chemistry of your body."
"Your life is just about craving, and making something else tremendously more important than you."
#2 - Sadhguru Quotes On Success
"Qualifications only give you entry. It is competence that ultimately works."
"If your energies are anchored in your own spirit, your own being, there’s no external influence that can deter you."
"There is no insurance for love."
"Every human being is capable of living absolute blissful within himself."
"When you absolutely throw yourself into your activity, your energy will only grow."
#3 - Sadhguru Quotes On Karma
"When you absolutely throw yourself into your activity, your energy will only grow."
"The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt."
"Playfulness is the nature of creation and the Creator."
"Learning is not about earning, but a way of flowering."
"Do not do what you like – do what the world needs."
#4 - Sadhguru Quotes For Students
"Nothing has ever been out of place in this existence."
A life of excess is not a good life."
"When you do things habitually, it seems easier, but without conscious action, there shall be no growth."
"People who have failed in their lives, they are suffering their failure. People who have succeeded in their life, they are suffering their success."
"Opinions are like cataracts. They will not allow you to see clearly."
#5 - Sadhguru Quotes On Relationship
"Opinions are like cataracts. They will not allow you to see clearly."
"Every moment there are a million miracles happening around you: a flower blossoming, a bird tweeting, a bee humming, a raindrop falling, a snowflake wafting along the clear evening air."
"The aim is to unshackle yourself from the limited identity you have forged, as a result of your own ignorance, and live the way the Creator made you—utterly blissful and infinitely responsible."
"Compassion is definitely a more liberating emotion than love."
"Why do we refer to the mind as a circus? A circus is not a mess; a circus is a very coordinated activity deliberately made to look like a mess."
#6 - Sadhguru Quotes On Happiness
"Sunlight comes into your house not because you want it. It happens because you open the windows."
"Every opinion you have about anything can be a limiting identity."
"The whole effort of the spiritual process is to break the boundaries you have drawn for yourself and experience the immensity that you are."
"Mysticism is like pure science; it has no use. Mysticism is just the human longing to know."
"Your mind need not be controlled; your mind needs to be liberated."
#7 - Sadhguru Quotes On Peace
"A human is not a being; he is a becoming. He is an ongoing process – a possibility."
"I learned to create a little more space between my thoughts and actions—actually between my feelings and reactions."
"If you think you are big, you become small. If you know you are nothing, you become unlimited."
"They promise heaven because they are making a hell out of this place."
"If you are not using your mind for self-torture, why would you think of peace?"
#8 - Sadhguru Wisdom Quotes
"But when it comes to the inner situation, there is only one ingredient: you. At least you must happen the way you want."
"To rise above the modifications of your mind, when you cease your mind, when you cease to be a part of your mind, that is yoga."
"If you learn how to live it, life is nothing short of a daily miracle."
"This planet will collect back atom by atom what it has loaned to you."
"Just be, just melt and become part of the wind around you, the earth around you, become a part of everything."
#9 - Sadhguru Motivational Quotes
"If you want God as a tranquilizer, it is okay as an idea, but if you want the Divine to be an awakening process in your life, an idea is not good enough."
"Man needs entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could just sit and watch this bamboo grow."
"There is so much adventure that only youth can experience."
"Confidence without clarity is always a disaster."
"The most incredible thing is that you can know everything you wish to know with your eyes closed."
#10 - Most Inspirational Quotes By Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
"The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering."
"Ecological sustenance and the inclusive nature of the spiritual process are inseparable."
"The quality of your life depends on how well you manage your body, your mind, your emotion, your situations, your home, your communities, nations, your life in general and the world."
"What the body really needs is restfulness not sleep."
"Negative energies can’t touch you if you are in a state of meditation."
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