251+ Funny Brother And Sister Quotes in English 2023
Latest Funny Brother And Sister Quotes - Read Best Funny Brother And Sister Quotes For Instagram, Funny Brother Lines, Sister And Brother Quotes, Quotes About Brother And Sister Relationship, Funny Quotes About Brothers And Sisters Fighting, Funny Brother And Sister Quotes In Hindi, Heart Touching Emotional Brother And Sister Quotes, Funny Sibling Quotes, Funny Quotes About Brothers And Sisters Fighting And Share it On Facebook, WhatsApp And Instagram.
#1 - Top Funny Brother And Sister Quotes
With a selfie of you pointing your finger at the camera: I'm not touching you!
With a photo of you and a cute pet/animal: When I said I wanted someone to play with, this is what I meant!
With a photo of your sibling as a baby and your sibling now: I liked you better when you couldn't talk or walk.
With a photo of old Yoda and baby Yoda (you can crop your faces over Yoda's face): Cut from the same cloth, we are, but Yoda ugly one!
Words are the best weapon siblings have in a fight; whoever yells "He's/she's hurting me!" first wins.
#2 - Funny Brother And Sister Quotes For Instagram
Sibling fights are like t-ball games; no one actually wins because Mom wants to make things fair and punishes everyone.
When parents ask why you can't all just get along: Sure, a long-distance relationship?
When brothers and sisters get in trouble, it's like watching cats and dogs fight. They trade jabs while their tails fly around.
Siblings are like built-in shoplifters, always taking stuff that doesn't belong to them.
What is the meanest kind of sister? Assister!
#3 - Funny Brother Lines
What kind of sisters won't leave you alone? Persisters!
What do you call your brother when he looks like a Ken doll? Bro-ken!
Brothers are always helping you out for free; they work pro-bro-no.
Fear of missing out on having a brother: Bromo.
I wouldn't trade my siblings for the world. I don't have anywhere to put it.
#4 - Sister And Brother Quotes
No one fights harder or loves harder than a pair of sibs.
A sibling is the one enemy you never want to rid yourself of.
The oldest child always sets the bar. Thank goodness you set it low!
Siblings are like free insurance. If you need a new body part, they've got the perfect spare.
Older siblings are like your parents' personal science fair. They're a bunch of experiments.
#5 - Quotes About Brother And Sister Relationship
I used to want to be like my big sister until I realized that would make me old too.
You may be older than me, sister, but that's all you've got on me!
Having a big sister is knowing your darkest secrets will always be kept... for a price.
My greatest weapon growing up was telling people I have a big sister, and I'm not afraid to use her.
No matter your age, how you look, or how you feel, I'll always get to call you older, sister.
#6 - Funny Quotes About Brothers And Sisters Fighting
Thanks to my older sister, who broke all the rules, thus creating a new set of rules for me!
Don't worry about filling my shoes, sis. No one expects you to turn into this!
Little sister, there is nothing I would not do for you, except share my clothes.
No matter what you grow up to be, remember, I am the original.
When you're a little kid, you look forward to getting bigger; too bad little sisters are stuck in that role forever!
#7 - Funny Brother And Sister Quotes In Hindi
You're a little much, and I'm a big deal. That's why you're the little sister, and I'm the big sister/brother.
Someone must have been thinking of you, little sister, when they said, "a little bit goes a long way."
"Little Sister" sounds like the name of a girl group that only had one hit.
My sister is my idol, my bestie, and my soulmate... until she borrows my clothes.
My sister is my best friend until she copies my hairstyle. Then, I'll swear she's adopted.
#8 - Heart Touching Emotional Brother And Sister Quotes
Having sisters is like living in Cinderella's house. I'm pretty, overworked, underappreciated, and they're evil.
Sisters are like psychiatrists. They have no choice but to listen to your whining, then turn around and rob you blind.
Sometimes people say they can't tell my sister and me apart. Here's a hint: I'm the pretty one.
Sisterhood - The world's oldest cult.
Of all my life achievements, that fake cry that made our parents come running is what I am most proud of.
#9 - Funny Sibling Quotes
It's okay that you were jealous of me when I was born. I'd be jealous of me too.
They say "older is wiser," but I've yet to see you demonstrate that as a fact!
One thing I can always look forward to in life is that even when I'm old, my big brother will still be older!
Bigger isn't always better, case in point, my big brother.
Having an older brother really helped me learn how to be a better person. When he does something good, I copy it, and when he does something bad, I try not to laugh at him.
#10 - Funny Quotes About Brothers And Sisters Fighting
Giving you the coolest big sibling ever was my single, best gift to you in life. You're welcome.
I take pride in knowing I taught you everything you know... unless it is bad...and mom finds out. Then you better say you learned it somewhere else.
There are many famous characters with "Little" in their name, like Little Richard or Stuart Little -- too bad you'll never be one of them, little brother!
If I were lit, you would tell - that's why you're my lit-tell brother!
I don't call you a little brother because you're younger. I call you a little brother because it's my right to belittle you.
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